Friday, March 14, 2014

Fracklands North Carolina

Welcome to Fracklands, North Carolina.  Do you think this will become part of "Variety Vacationland?"  From this map you can see how Chatham County has fracklands on the south eastern side of the county.  Maybe building 22,000 homes in Chatham Ridge can keep fracking away from that part of the county.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Chatham County Has It's Challenges

Is there a county under more development and change pressure in the state than Chatham County? Coastal counties in the building boom and those around Mecklenburg are sure to say they need to be considered, but right now, I can not think of any of the 99 other counties with as much going on. How Chatham County leaders respond to this change is going to make the difference.

The county is under pressure from four sides. From the North, there has been the overflow from Chapel Hill commuters and that has been the issue for years. Now there are new lines of development from the East, West, and South.

On the East side we have the Chatham Ridge development. On the West side there is talk of a megasite for industrial development. And from the South we have the pressures of mineral exploration.

Instead of one long post we will look at each challenge separately over the next few weeks and maybe even post a song about these issues.